Monday, February 20, 2012

All aboard the "Jag Train" - Paige turns 24!

"Happy Birthday dear Paige, happy birthday to you...choo choo!"

It's Paige's birthday week! To celebrate, we rang in her "new year" the best way we know how...a bar crawl in Uptown! Naturally, we had to begin the bar crawl with a little pregame consisting of Jägermeister, lots of friends...and funfetti cupcakes!

What's a birthday without funfetti cupcakes, home-dyed neon pink frosting and zebra print cupcake tins? Definitely NOT Paige's birthday!!! Sadly, cleaning up this neon pink frosting was a bit of a hassle! Much to our amusement, my hands were stained pink...not all of the dish soap or nail polish remover in the world could take care of these bad boys.

Surely, you can make many friends at a bar with neon pink hands...
On Sunday, after a day of recovery, cleaning our cars and organizing our lives, we celebrated yet again at Paige's mom's house for her family birthday dinner. We had some delicious fajitas, and OF COURSE yummy funfetti! Paige and I were lucky enough to take home tons of leftovers and the rest of the cake. You can never have too much funfetti or too many desserts at your house!!

Blowing out her candles after taking 5 minutes to decide on her wish!

Happy Birthday Paiger!! You're the best Jäg-Train conductor I know...choo choo!

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