Friday, March 9, 2012

Lots of fun!

Lately, life has been hectic. Lots of birthdays, traveling, visitors, wedding planning for my best friend, and so much more! My "Sunday Shredding" friends and I are heading up to Lutsen Mountains tonight for a weekend of epic shredding. While we are keeping our fingers crossed for cold weather and lots of fluffy snow, it is hard to remain optimistic when my dad told me it's supposed to be 50 degrees tomorrow in Grand Marais! Looks like I'll be snowboarding on melted snow and brown, dirty grass!
A couple weekends ago, I got to dogsit for my friend Nicole. She has an adorable 4 year old Maltese Poodle, Lilly. Sweetest, most excited dog you will ever meet! We had fun walking around my neighborhood, playing with kids, and introducing Lilly to our neighbor's Great Dane, Prima. Prima is just 2 years old, almost full grown, yet as tall as me! Lilly wasn't really sure what to make of Prima, she stood there like a statue while Prima jumped over Lilly multiple times trying to play. Lilly thought she was too good to play with Prima, but they did become friends eventually. Nothing like seeing a teeny, tiny 6 pound dog next to a HORSE of a dog!

Meet Lilly, my friend Nicole's adorable little dog.

So excited to be in the car and see so many new things!
 The weekend after I got to play with Lilly, Nic came to visit! We had fun doing nothing at all. Correction: I had fun shopping while Nic was forced to follow me around the mall. Sometimes you gotta take one for the team Nic! It was fun just to be all together again with some of our best college friends!

I also volunteered with the Junior League - seems to be a multiple-times-a-week occurrence for me lately. This time, it was volunteering at the actual American Girl Doll Fashion Show. Never thought I'd see so many excited little girls, or that I would be so envious that I couldn't buy a new American Girl doll for my collection! *sigh*

More exciting things today at the office! It's my coworker Anne's birthday!! Anne is a very big Packer's fan, a rather shall we say, strange for lack for a nicer word, quality of hers. Our office came together, blew up almost 40 balloons, and respectfully "decorated" her cube with Packers memorabilia, streamers, Easter grass, random birthday trinkets, signs and even a personalized sign from Ryan Braun - which Anne hesitantly accepted.

Happy Birthday Anne! Thanks for being born so we could do this to your cube!

Well, we're off to Lutsen for more exciting adventures! Cheers!

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