Thursday, March 29, 2012

A trip to Ames for a birthday weekend celebration.

After a week straight of birthday festivities each night after work, and a weekend long birthday party, you'd think I was all birthday'd out. Wrong! I still had to celebrate in Ames with Nic and my FIJI friends, not to mention more FIJI birthdays, and most importantly, my little brother turned 21 three days after my birthday!

I was SO excited to celebrate Kevin's birthday with him, and that it was his 21st birthday was even more of a big deal! I just had to get him an appropriate gift. So, I gave him a monogramed beer mug - perfect for a newly 21 year old. There are so many great stories from the weekend, but I figured I'd at least share some pictures from the highlights...

When it was midnight...Kevin came out to join us at our favorite bar in Ames!
The MINUTE Kevy turned 21!

Happy birthday! Love, the roommates.
 Naturally, Nic wanted to get Kevin one of his first drinks!

Smile for mom! 
I picked the most beautiful weekend to visit Ames this spring! We had solid sun, 80 degrees all weekend, it was just absolutely beautiful! After Nic and I went on one of the longest walks we have ever taken (we just couldn't get enough of the great weather and the company), we had some fun at a friend's house all day. I of course was the only girl, but while they were "bro-ing" out, I didn't mind sitting back and relaxing!


Hard not to love the pastels...

Always with the point...

 All in all, it was a wonderful weekend and I had so much fun - like I always do in Ames! Now we just have to prepare ourselves for VEISHEA in three weeks....

Love him!!!

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