Friday, February 10, 2012

God Bless Father Arnold Weber.

"His master said to him, 'Well done, my good and faithful servant. Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities. Come, share your master's joy." - Matthew 25:23

When I returned to work after my lunch this afternoon, I was immediately panged with sadness as I discovered that my childhood priest, Father Arnold, passed away yesterday.

Father Arnold was our priest at Holy Name of Jesus Wayzata, he gave me my first communion and first reconciliation. He was the most God-loving and selfless priests I have ever had the privilege to meet. Father Arnold used to come to our religious education classes on Wednesdays, to watch us play games, listen to our thoughts, or just to give a warm hello. He was always there for you and always had a smile on his face.

I have never met someone who truly loved what they did every second of their day like Father Arnold did. When the time came for Father Arnold to retire, he moved to St. John's Abbey Church to enjoy the rest of his days.

Father Arnold's Christian leadership, hospitality, dedication to education and heart for serving others has made an everlasting impression on the community and on my life. I can speak for the catholic community when I say that we are overjoyed for him to finally have been able to make the journey home to Heaven and to be with the Lord.

"Of all the wonderful things of God, people are the most beautiful." - Fr. Arnold

Thank you Fr. Arnold for being such an inspiration and encouraging us to always do what is right and to be good to people.

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