Friday, January 27, 2012

Wells Fargo for the Win.

Forbes Thought of the Day: "Reason and judgment are the qualities of a leader." - Tacitus

"Wall Street waking up to Wells Fargo's potential," Wow! What a headline see when you come into work! Yesterday was an awesome day for Wells Fargo in the press and I can honestly say that it couldn't have put me in a better mood yesterday, and I couldn't have been more motivated to work on some of my mundane checklist items knowing that the press is "waking up" to our company's greatness.

Wells Fargo Stagecoach (courtesy of San Francisco Weekly)
To make it even better, look for the February 13, 2012 issue of FORBES magazine, yep we're on the cover! Way to go Wells Fargo!!

Our CEO John Stumpf!
Check out the FORBES article that beautifully highlights Wells Fargo against our industry competitors!

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