Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New year, new inspiration.

Traditionally, the new year has transfixed people all over the world to come up with “New Year’s Resolutions,” to either lose weight, accomplish a specific goal, cross something off their bucket list and so on. I admit that I too jumped on the resolution bandwagon this year and I fully intend to stick to my resolutions through the entirety of 2012.

After much reflection and inspiration, I finally came up with a list that I think is pretty wonderful:

1.       Be good to people. I cannot take credit for this idea, my roommate Paige has this love for notes containing inspiring quotes. During one of her many visits to Patina, she found the Be Good to People post-it notes. These little notes have since then become the foundation for my new motto to ring in the new year.
2.       Do something for someone each day. So many days go by that seem to be a blur. I want to have more meaningful days this year, marked by something great that I was able to do for someone else.
3.       Stick to your budget! This is one that will be my biggest challenge…ahh the difficulties of growing up. Time to do more than just save and contribute to a 401k…it’s time to cut back on the unnecessary trips to the mall or sadly, to Caribou.
4.       Be healthy, and good to YOU. Nothing more important than a healthy body, healthy attitude and ME TIME!
5.       Be committed to all of your goals, and in all that you do. My friend and coworker Nicole and I often joke around about making up excuses at the last minute to not attend an after-work function, happy hour, or a friend’s party. We both are making it a goal to stick with it.
6.       Work harder each day, and more than you ever have. Self-explanatory…time to step it up and take control, both in work and at home.

So, here’s to hoping that writing these down in more than one place reminds me to follow Resolution #5 in following my entire list of resolutions…sticking with it!

On New Year’s Eve, I flew to St. Louis to spend the holiday with my boyfriend Nic in his hometown. We had an absolutely fabulous day.

After going to see the cliché movie, New Year’s Eve, which neither of us were impressed with at all, Nic and I went to a quaint little wine bar, One 19 North, in Kirkwood, Missouri, for tapas and spirits. We were by far the youngest guests in the teeny, tiny establishment. Our waiter was by far the most outstanding waiter either of us have ever had, and he was so enthusiastic about his job it was unbelievable. We enjoyed pan seared sea scallops, grilled blackened salmon, and New Orleans BBQ shrimp with wine and of course, Nic’s Maker’s and Coke drink. When the waiter came by to list the desserts, my ears immediately perked up when he mentioned carrot cake. How can you not love carrot cake?! So we enjoyed a couple desserts, followed by free champagne and some New Year’s Eve festive hats – which Nic refused to wear…typical.

The evening was filled with great conversation, entertainment, a fun DJ, and of course, ringing in the new year!

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