Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A lazy weekend.

Food for thought: “If you judge people, then you have no time to love them.”

What a great quote! I heard this quote last week on the radio and I immediately added it to my “bank” of inspirational quotes. This quote definitely resonated with me all weekend as I enjoyed my first weekend at home in months. There is something to be said about having a weekend once in awhile where you are truly lazy, doing whatever you feel like in the spur of the moment, and spending valuable time with friends and family.

My weekend started out on Saturday early morning at the Brave New Workshop with some friends for one of our Junior League of Minneapolis new member training courses. To be honest, saying that I dreaded this workshop would be an understatement! There is nothing appealing about having to be downtown at 9 am on a Saturday, with the threat of having to perform improv on stage! The common consensus of our little “Foursome” at this JLM event, was that This. Was. Miserable.

However, after hearing encouraging messages, a wonderfully motivating speaker, and some pretty funny improve acts…it wasn’t so bad! Granted, no one from our “Foursome” volunteered to go on stage, but we had a great time watching other JLMers and cheering them on! After the 3 hour workshop, I was ready to get out of there!

Saturday night, I joined my lovely parents for an impromptu dinner, I just had to share this adorable photo.
Mom and Dad!
After taking a quick trip to Buck Hill on Sunday morning for some solo-snowboarding, my roommate and I had an afternoon in the kitchen!

Paige made this BEAUTIFUL white-vegetarian lasagna and I decided to make some sweet and spicy turkey chili. 
Click for the Healthy Turkey Chili recipe- Only 185 calories!

We also made some incredibly healthy banana bread. Click for the Banana Bread Recipe – Yum! I added extra cinnamon, used cinnamon applesauce and added walnuts for something extra!

And finally…what a better way to end the perfect weekend with…THE PATRIOTS WINNING THE AFC CHAMPIONSHIP!!! All of my friends are pretty outraged with the Superbowl this year, I have to say, my lifelong favorite team is going to the Superbowl so I couldn’t be happier! 

Patriots: 2012 AFC Champions!!!!
Ready to beat the Giants on February 5, 2012!

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