Monday, June 6, 2011

10 Minute Vegetable Stir-fry

I am always scheduling something to do after work, as if I do not have enough on my plate. Between random babysitting nights, happy hours with girlfriends or coworkers, many gym classes at Lifetime Fitness and of course, trying to not miss any episodes of the Bachelorette, I am always looking for a quick, easy, and healthy dinner.

I am very much into my Wok and often find myself "inventing" different kinds of stirfry with an assortment of vegetables, tofu, chicken or shrimp. This stirfry is so easy because you can add what you want, let it sit on the stove and walk away to get other things done while it cooks. This stirfry is also nice because there is no recipe, just play with it and have fun!

Here is what I did in this recent stirfry:
  • Carrots
  • Tomatoes
  • Broccoli
  • Yellow Squash
  • Zucchini
  • Chicken (you can substitute for any kind of protein)
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Garlic Powder
  • Red Pepper
  • Gordon's Light Sesame and Peanut salad dressing
Simply simmer the vegetables and meat in the Wok for about 5 minutes, drain, add olive oil, spices and sauch, simmer again for a few minutes and you're done! This is great to make for dinner and save the leftovers for a quick and easy lunch. Have fun experimenting!

Cookie Dough Cupcakes

Life has become rather chaotic lately with many bridal showers, bachelorette parties, weddings and birthday celebrations for friends. This past weekend, I was in one of my best friend's weddings as her personal attendant. It was a very special weekend, and quite the emotional one. We went from excited highs and nervousness while getting ready for the big day, to tear-filled lows while I said goodbye to my boyfriend at the airport. Weddings are a great time to join together to celebrate love, family and friends, but also a great time to have an absolute blast!

Back in March, I turned the ripe old age of 23. What an uneventful age, yet always a good excuse to go out with your friends and celebrate! Before our girls dinner and big bar crawl, I made some really good cupcakes. Mind you - these are very rich, very filling, and you must really love cookie dough to like these.

The cake itself tasted like cookie dough, there is a egg-free cookie dough filling, topped with cookie dough frosting, chocolate chips and a mini cookie. To try making these cupcakes, follow this recipe exactly and you will surely not be disappointed!