Monday, March 14, 2011

Life is short, always eat your dessert first!

Hi There,

I came up with this great idea to try a variety of recipes to in hopes to occupy my time and discover that next best dessert. I have a sweet tooth that is unfortunately never fulfilled, always craving the next treat and can never get enough! Why wait until the end of a meal to enjoy a savory treat? Eat your dessert first!

I am hoping this blog becomes a place where I can compile all of the recipes of my future masterpieces and people will begin to experiment with these treats to make favorites of their own. While I do enjoy baking and feel it is a hidden talent of mine, I lack the skills to cook a wonderful meal. A recipe for "normal" food may pop up every once in a while - but don't hold your breath!

Keep coming back for future lets get baking!!

With lots of sugar and love,

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