Monday, March 14, 2011

Healthy Oatmeal Cranberry Cookies

I recently registered for a half marathon and will be running this, what I consider, grueling race on May 1, 2011, with my good friend Mark. Since I registered, I have tried to find healthier recipes for treats that I love.

This is a new spin on the traditional oatmeal chocolate chip cookie. Adding in dried cranberries gives it that healthy feel everyone craves this time of year. Also, to avoid the cholesterol intake many people are conscious of, rather than using the canola oil this recipe calls for, I substituted it for original apple sauce. I think it gives the cookies some added moisture. This recipe is also great because it uses egg whites, rather than whole eggs, and does not call for butter.

My very good high school friend Gina came over yesterday, as she is on Spring Break and finally home! We had a great time talking and catching up with each other and my roommate Paige while making these healthy cookies! The recipe only yielded about 12 cookies, so next time I will definitely plan to double. For some extra flavor, I added more vanilla extract and twice the cinnamon. Yum!

The recipe for Chocolate chip, oatmeal and cranberry cookies can be found on Group Recipes.

With lots of sugar and love,

Life is short, always eat your dessert first!

Hi There,

I came up with this great idea to try a variety of recipes to in hopes to occupy my time and discover that next best dessert. I have a sweet tooth that is unfortunately never fulfilled, always craving the next treat and can never get enough! Why wait until the end of a meal to enjoy a savory treat? Eat your dessert first!

I am hoping this blog becomes a place where I can compile all of the recipes of my future masterpieces and people will begin to experiment with these treats to make favorites of their own. While I do enjoy baking and feel it is a hidden talent of mine, I lack the skills to cook a wonderful meal. A recipe for "normal" food may pop up every once in a while - but don't hold your breath!

Keep coming back for future lets get baking!!

With lots of sugar and love,